The Dry Needling and Acupuncture Care
Dry Needling (DN) is an effective treatment for acute and chronic pain. It can promote healing after injury and improves a patient’s ability to move with less pain. DN is a therapeutic treatment that involves inserting a very thin filament needle into a “trigger point” or muscle spasm that refers pain to a specific area of the body.
DN treatment of active trigger points increases healing time and reduces pain by:
Increasing blood flow to the muscle tissue
Improving muscles ability to stretch/relax with movement
Decreasing tension in the muscles to help reduce pain and strain
Deactivating painful trigger points
Improve the brains ability to activate muscles, inhibit pain and improve function.
Muscular spasms and trigger points are common following an injury or due to degenerative processes and act to compress nerves and other surrounding tissues. Introducing a dry needle into these active trigger points can provide immediate and significant relief of symptoms.