Tearing or spraining the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is one of the most common injuries caused by sport participation. In these procedures, a surgeon uses tissue from the knee to make a new ligament in order to stabilize the knee and help the athlete return to sports and exercise.
Following an ACL injury, your physician will refer you to a Physiotherapist (PT) for rehabilitation, then work collaboratively with the PT to ensure that you are ready to resume your sport of choice.
Amazing Physiotherapy performs evidence-based testing to help determine your readiness for returning to sports after ACL reconstruction. Without proper rehabilitation and return to play assessment, there is a very high likelihood of injury to the involved or even the uninvolved limb. “Return to Play” is also referred to as “Return to Sport.” Our return to play is not only to ACL, LCL but also for people who are out of sports due to low back pain, neck pain and Hip pain
Who Can Benefit from Return to Play Testing?
Everybody requires an individual intervention and testing program based on his/her goals and sport of interest. ACL Return to Play Testing (also known as “RTP Testing”) is especially important for sports that involve pivoting and cutting, such as tennis, squash, soccer and basketball.
In addition to RTP Testing for ACL injuries, our therapists may also conduct Y-balance tests for other lower extremity injuries, such as twisted ankles in runners. (Note: this is not the same as RTP testing, which is much more in-depth and involves several other measurements to make a determination.)
What Happens If You Are NOT Ready to Return to Play?
If your Return to Play testing concludes that you are NOT yet ready to play sports, Amazing Physiotherapy ACL injury prevention therapy (strength training, plyometric training, and working on hopping and mechanics) will get you back to life, fast.
Note: The ideal time to consider Return to Play Testing is 9-12 months after ACL reconstruction surgery. (If there is anything worse than an ACL tear, it is a re-tear.) Most RTP patients come to SPEAR via physician referrals. However, anyone can come to SPEAR for ACL Return to Play Testing, with or without a referral.
How Much Does Return to Play Cost?
Return to Play cost just like regular physiotherapy session, we can determine that after your initial evaluation.