The Wellness Care
The weight management exercise program (WMEP) at amazing physiotherapy and wellness is supported by principles of in-depth patient education, exercise instruction and teaching healthier lifestyle choices. Developed to give you the motivation, education and support necessary to implementing long-term changes to your health, Our weight management services offer the following benefits:
BMI and fat percentage measurements
Development of a weight management exercise program that targets functional limitations associated with your existing health problems
Ongoing support options for those who have completed their prescribed WMEP
Monitored exercise intensities by a trained clinician
Obesity negatively affects your musculus skeletal system by placing excessive stress on all joints. Chronic low back pain, joint pain and other functional limitations are just a few health issues arising from being overweight. Addressing obesity from the onset of treatment is a necessary aspect of any comprehensive weight management physical therapy program
Reduce joint stress, leading to decreased arthritic pain
Improve circulation throughout your body to help minimize inflammation and pain
Improve recovery outcomes of hip and knee replacements
Improve control of diabetes, hypertension and sleep apnea
Decrease your risk of having a heart attack or stroke
Increase your energy level while improving your self-esteem and confidence.
Ambulation dysfunction, difficulty walking
Generalized weakness
Low back pain