Swimming is a spectacular workout that builds endurance, flexibility, and strength. Water provides constant resistance — about 12% to 14% more than you get on land so your muscles get a major workout while swimming. It also keeps you cool, so you can exercise longer without getting tired or overheated.

Most strokes target multiple muscles at once. Even the push off the wall in the pool  is a strengthening exercise. It works the lower legs really well,” says competitive swimmer and certified trainer Kim Evans. “Want a stronger core? Focus on the breaststroke or butterfly”. Looking for upper body strength? Try freestyle or the backstroke. These strokes are vital for shoulder recovery and strengthening.

In Addition, while swimming, you could change your strokes to doing different strokes per day.

Include swimming as part of your exercise routine and your chances of recovery from shoulder pain will increase greatly.

Combining running with swimming will make a big difference to your health and outlook by helping you become more active and healthy.



  1. Burn out more calories
  2. Provide a full body workout
  3. Boost mood and reduces stress
  4. Build endurance
  5. Contributes to better sleep


Five Ways to Avoid Shoulder Pain While Swimming.

Shoulder injuries are the most common injury in swimming, and a true swimming stroke technique is so important when it comes to injury prevention.

  1. Get your breathing right when swimming.

The ability to breathe comfortably on both sides is important when it comes to the freestyle stroke. By changing sides, you are equalizing muscle development and achieving symmetry. It also allows for smoother and more even strokes, the balance from using both shoulders will help avoid shoulder pain. It may feel awkward on the opposite side you would normally breathe at first, but it will soon become natural and lead to a more efficient stroke.

  1. Get your Posture right while swimming.

Your posture out of the pool can affect your posture in the pool. If you have tightness in the chest muscles or rounded shoulder posture, this can put you more at risk of suffering from shoulder pain. The shoulders should be back and the chest forward during a freestyle stroke. Shoulder pain occurs when the tendons become pinched, irritated, and inflamed.

  1. Get your Kicks right While Swimming.

The kick should originate from the hips. In other words, kick your legs, not your feet. There should be a slight bend in your knee and your toes will naturally point.

  1. Catch and Pull While Swimming.

The ‘catch’ is when the hand enters the water. You are catching the water, with your wrist slightly bent. If the thumb enters the water first, it can cause the shoulder to internally rotate and can lead to shoulder pain.
The ‘pull’ is the when the arm pulls through the water to move the body forward. The hand and arm should enter the water as an extension of the shoulder. If the arm crosses too wide, it can easily lead to shoulder pain.

  1. Warm Up Correctly Before Swimming.

Just like before any physical activity, a proper warm-up and stretching exercises are important to reduce the likelihood of suffering shoulder pain while swimming. Strengthening the shoulder will bring a more efficient stroke. Alternating different strokes prevents repetitive motion that can lead to overuse injuries and bring on shoulder pain.

If you are suffering with regular shoulder pain, or it is preventing you from swimming freely, then you are probably worrying about what might happen if things continue to get worse…

You may be hoping that things fix themselves, but you are very aware of the risk of surgery in the future, but you aren’t sure what to do to fix the problem to allow you to swim freely without shoulder pain.

If this sounds like you, and you don’t want to feel anxious about the prospect of going into the hospital, let alone the currently extremely extended waiting lists, then now is the time to get the support you really need.

we have helped thousands of patients, and helped hundreds of people just like you who are experiencing daily shoulder pain and unable to move freely.

If you want to get some personal advice, we offer you the opportunity to speak to one of our specialist to have a 1-1 talk in one of our clinics…

If you would like to get one of our limited slots, please click here  or call 07026750637 / 07017513032.