3 Techniques for Climbing the stirs while suffering from Knee Pain
Walking with a painful knee is bad enough but walking up or down a stair with a painful knee requires some level of control. In [...]
Physical Activity and Living a Long Life
What's the Secret? Physical exercise is any bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness. It is performed for various [...]
What is Posture?
What About Posture? Last week, we saw an increase in the number of clients that had a postural related muscle aches and discomfort. One of [...]
3 Tips to Prevent Back Pain While Travelling
Few years back a middle aged man walked into my office and his only complaints was an excruciating pain in the waist line and a [...]
How to treat shoulder pain from sleeping
Imagine waking up to cramped and heavy hand that was hitherto 100% functional and pain free, imagine waking up [...]
5 Causes Of Knee Pain You Neglect
60’s, many of them fear that knee problems could bring an end to their active lifestyles. But [...]