Lower back pain: (symptoms and treatment)
Did you know that sitting is a common cause for backpain and is worse than smoking? click here to hear it from Dr. Nnamdi Lower [...]
Back Pain: 4 Tips To Help with Back Pain On Vacation
Tips to help with back pain on vacation, It is the end of the year and Christmas holiday is fast approaching, Aren’t you excited to [...]
Causes of Knee Pain and 5 Things That Could Be Worsening Your Knee Pain
The structure of the knee is complex; hence, there are large numbers of parts that can be affected, leading to knee pain. The image below [...]
Gwarimpa Branch is Now Open. Hurry!!!
We’re excited to announce the opening of our newest clinic in Gwarimpa – 2nd Avenue. We’re bringing a positive spirit back into helping people live an [...]
Choosing office chairs the right way in 5 steps.
What is an Ergonomic chair? Hi Nnamdi, Recently our office just got approval to change all the chairs at the finance department. I told you [...]
Why Your Health Might Fail at 40.
It is no doubt a new dawn for most of us, when we turn 40. it is judged one of the most exhilarating stages of [...]
Why Your Back Pain persists
Clients always tell me that they are worried about waist or back pain. They wake up in the morning with a waist pain or a [...]
Your sleeping position could be the cause of your neck pain
I woke up 2 days ago with an intense pain, and inability to move my neck. It felt very disturbing that even to turn around [...]
3 Levels of Treatment for back pain
What is the Cause of my Back Pain Do you experience pain in the lower back or waist line region when you attempt to stand [...]