Tips to help with back pain on vacation, It is the end of the year and Christmas holiday is fast approaching,

Aren’t you excited to travel?

You should be, because you have worked so hard and deserve a break……however,

You should also be mindful of certain risk that comes with traveling such as back pain.


You are probably wondering how something as fun as having a vacation somewhere in your dream destination could cause pain.

Did you know that over 16 million adults in Nigeria experience back pain during the holidays, and the chances are high that someone in your family will experience back pain on vacation.

Let’s look into it.

How does vacation cause Back Pain?

Imagine you have just endured a six-hour flight.

You are standing at the baggage section, counting the minutes because you are tired and eager to leave the airport.

You spot your luggage and you rush to grab your bag to throw it up on the cart so that you could be the first to checkout — that’s when you feel pain at your back,”

By the  end of your vacation, you realize that the long periods of forced immobility in airplanes, the luggage packed with heavy vacation gear, the fatigue, the time pressure and then the less-than-firm hotel beds can add up to a chronic back pain.

Now sleeping can be hard.

It can be a vicious cycle because when you don’t get enough sleep, your back pain may feel worse and a poor sleep position can also aggravate back pain.

It does not end there because your daily activities are affected including your work life.

At this point, it is clear that something must be done to get you active again.

What to do?

  • Get a Comfortable Seat

According to Dr. Nnamdi, sitting for prolonged periods of time adds strain to the structures of the lower back.

A poor posture puts even more stress on your spine.

Therefore, your back should align with your seat in a correct sitting position in order for your headrest to support the middle of your head.

He advises the shoulders kept straight and ensure to avoid hunching forward with both feet firmly resting on the floor or on a footrest.

  • Apply cold compress

Applying ice to the affected area of the back while traveling is one of the fastest remedy to back pain.

  • Stretch

Passengers should form the healthy habit of stretching and moving around at any slight opportunity

For airborne clients it is much easier because you have the ability to walk around in the cabin.

For tips on how to stretch to improve back pain ….

Click the link below.


How to prevent back pain on vacation

‘Motion is lotion for your body!’

Even when traveling, it’s important to stay active to prevent back pain.

Use the 30 minute rule, which states that when sitting or standing for 30 minutes, you must change position.

Even if it is only a brief change, it can help prevent back pain.

I promise your back will thank you in the long run.

Take regular stretch breaks.

Back pain from driving is also very common.

If that’s the case, stop every 60-90 minutes to get out and walk around while traveling by car,

Or get out of your plane seat and walk the aisle if permitted.

Stress can contribute to the intensity of low back pain.

The better you can manage stress, the better you can prevent back pain and the less it will hurt.

If pains still persist few weeks after your vacation, then it is time to seek professional help.

Do you wish to consult a specialist to stop your back pain before the next vacation?

Good news!

Are you still frustrated about that life-changing pain?

We often realize that people want more than just some free health tips.

Now we are offering you a chance to consult an expert advice concerning your worries FOR FREE.

Here are a few things you will learn in your free discovery visit;

  • What is the underlying cause of your back pain? (Hopefully nothing too serious).
  • How long will it take to treat the problem
  • What to do to ease the pain?
  • What other drug-free methods are there to speed up recovery alongside the natural treatment

This FREE assessment sessions are great for anyone with doubts.

It gives you the opportunity to ask questions and ensures that we are the right for you.

There are FIVE slots available for a free discovery visit this festive period …..

Secure your FREE spot now.

Click here to complete our enquiry form

Or call 07026750637.

P.S. Do you know someone with back pain?

We are here to help them live a pain-free life too.

Kindly forward this blog post to your neighbor, colleague, friends and family to treat their pain because remember…..



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