Do you want to know the fastest way to recover from knee pain, after knee replacement surgery  so you can get back to moving as freely as possibly, and being able to do the daily activities you once took for granted?

Or are you on the waiting list for knee replacement surgery, and wondering what the best way to prepare so you can make the fastest recovery possible?

Or are you currently experiencing pain on a regular basis in your knees, and want to avoid the risks of surgery in your future?

If so, this blog contains some expert advice for YOU!

Total Knee replacement has slowly progressed in Nigeria over the years

In our clinic, we have worked with a lot of patients who have come to us after knee replacement surgery, and they aren’t happy with the level of movement, or the level of pain that they are dealing with.

Whilst knee replacement surgery is sometimes inevitable and the best course of action, it is by no means a guaranteed fix, and there is important rehab work to be done to ensure people get the results that they want.

The Fastest Way To Recover From Knee Replacement Surgery

If you are recovering from knee replacement surgery, and you want to speed up the process so you can get back to walking up and down the stairs with ease, going to pilates and yoga classes, or you just want to be able to be able to move freely, and pain-free, we have some top tips to help you do that.

Move Little and Often, Every Hour

Once you have been cleared to move your knee and walk by the doctor, it is important to do so little and often (aim to move around every hour).

This is important as it reduces the risk of complications such as blood clots, improves circulation, helps to keep your joints limber and the movement helps deliver important nutrients to your knee, so you heal and recover quicker than if you sat for long period of the time each day.

Usually, you will be able to start walking whilst you are still in the hospital, so this is something that can be done relatively early in your recovery.

Use Equipment Provided To You

You will typically be given some form of walking aids when you are discharged from hospital following your knee replacement surgery, and these should be used to help you safely move at home.

It may be tempting to think that you should avoid using walking aids, however this is a mistake.

Follow Your Exercise Plan

After knee replacement surgery, you should be given a list of exercises to perform (Designed by your physiotherapist) which will help you improve your range of motion (how much you can bend and straighten your knee), and then strengthen the surrounding muscles.

It may be uncomfortable at first, however once you get into the habit of regularly walking and doing your exercise, you’ll feel much better, and recover much quicker.

Whilst it would not be appropriate to prescribe specific exercises in a blog, if you are concerned that your exercise plan isn’t helping you, feel free to reach out to us in the clinic.

To speak to a member of our team and find out how we can help recover faster from your knee replacement surgery, arrange a FREE consultation which is great if you are unsure whether our services may be right for you.

Click Here To Arrange Your Free Consultation


Onyinye our amazing staff, recommends booking a FREE Discovery consultation because:

“People who book taster consultations regularly highlight how nice it is to actually be listened to, and be able to get simple, personalised advice  – which is something we rarely get when we have been to the doctors with our problems.”

Avoid Kneeling, Or Putting Pressure Against Your Knee

After surgery, your knee will likely be very sore and swollen so kneeling or putting pressure against your knee can cause unnecessary pain for you.

In the initial phase of recovery, the main goal is to reduce swelling so you can increase the range of motion (how much you can straighten and bend your knee).

By kneeling, or putting pressure against your knee, you are likely to make the swelling worse and therefore, this will slow down your recovery.

Get Great Sleep and Rest

Whilst we have spoken about the importance of exercise and movement, we also need to make sure that when you are getting sufficient rest. Therefore, aim to get 8 or more hours sleep each night, if not more, and when you are resting, keep your leg elevated, and apply ice wrapped in a towel for 20 minutes every 4 hours to reduce any swelling.

Avoid High Impact Activities Or Activities With A High Risk Of Falling, Or Twisting Your Knee

Later in your recovery, and once you have started to notice a significant improvement in your movement capacity, it is important to remain wary of activities with high impact such as running or jumping, and activities with a high risk of falling, or that could result in twisting your knee.

Instead, opt for low impact activities like cycling, swimming, or walking

Seek Additional Support With Amazing Physiotherapy

If you have had your knee replacement surgery, and struggling to move freely, still experiencing pain, and still not able to do what you wanted to do, then reach out to our expert team.

We have worked with patients who were disappointed with the results after surgery and came to us looking for more support.

At Amazing Physiotherapy, we are able to provide hands on treatment, and complete treatment plans which will not just get you to a minimum quality of life  but will enable you to get back to long walks, with your friends and partner, go to pilates and yoga  classes with your friends, and being able to play with the grandchildren when they visit.

To find our more, we offer free consultations, where you can speak to a member of our team, ask any questions that you have, and find out what’s stopping you from getting the life you thought you were going to have post-surgery.

Click Here To Arrange Your Free Consultation

The Best Exercise for knee pain before you opt for Knee Replacement Surgery

As well as helping people post-operation, we have worked with a number of patients who were on the waiting list for surgery and were able to improve the chances of not even needing the surgery anymore because they have been able to make tremendous progress from our treatment plan which stabilized and strengthened the muscles around the knee.

Check out the video below where Dr Pelumi demonstrated some of the finest easy to do exercises that can help you become active again, avoid relying on painkillers or even do a surgery altogether.